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What we do

Water and Development Partnership Programme

At IHE Delft, we believe that bringing together inclusive partnerships and diverse knowledge is key to solving water and development challenges. Therefore, we fund bold, creative and transdisciplinary projects that combine research, education and capacity-strengthening activities. Launched in 2008, the Water and Development Partnership Programme has been nurturing a community of scientists, practitioners and policymakers from over 40 countries, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Currently, IHE Delft coordinates two phases, phase 2 and 3, which run partly in parallel. While each phase has its own specific focus and targets, both aim to contribute to a peaceful, socially just and ecologically sustainable world.

The wealth of knowledge generated by our programme is now centrally located. To access inspiring resources from all our projects, explore our user-friendly online output repository.

Roadmap of the Water and Development Partnership Programme
Roadmap of the Water and Development Partnership Programme
