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Transformations to socially inclusive and ecologically sustainable practices are key to a bright future. The third phase of the Water and Development Partnership Programme focuses on stimulating and catalysing such transformations within the water sector. The programme supports organizations in non-European, low- and middle-income countries as they strengthen their capacity to manage water in sustainable and inclusive ways.

The previous phases of the programme focused on tackling urgent water sector problems and helped establish networks and strengthen the capacities of the water and development sector in low- and middle-income countries. Phase 3 builds on earlier phases and adds a more critical, reflective and interdisciplinary lens to address water-related challenges through transformations that are inclusive, sustainable and climate resilient.

Redressing historical inequities

The third phase envisions a future in which societies use, share and care for water in ways that contribute to the wider societal goals of justice, peace, safety and wellbeing for all. To realise this vision, we must acknowledge historical inequities that surround the water sector. We begin by asking ourselves:  whose knowledge dominates our understanding of the world? How is this translated into policies and practices? Who gets marginalised in this process? 

Guided by the principles of non-hierarchical and relational-learning, self-determination and collaboration, we support and bring together projects that combine research, education, capacity-strengthening and knowledge-sharing activities.

We invite you to join us in amplifying marginalised voices, create spaces for inclusive joint-learning, and to reflect and radically reimagine the future(s) of water.


In line with the strategy of IHE Delft, as well as priority areas of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the programme will support projects that address issues related to equity and ecological sustainability in three thematic fields, namely:

  • Water and Health

    This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to improve and upscale the provision of adequate, affordable and inclusive water and sanitation services, particularly to marginalized groups and/or areas.

  • Water for Food

    This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to more sustainable, and climate-change-resilient irrigation practices and agro-ecosystems to support the livelihoods of actors involved in small- and medium-scale agriculture as well as to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem services.

  • River Basins and Deltas

    This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to more secure, equitable, and ecologically sustainable governance and management of (transboundary) river basins and delta regions, including coastal areas and aquifers.

Regions and countries

The activities carried out under the programme all aim to contribute to meaningful and viable solutions that contribute to the envisioned transformations. The programme particularly focuses on challenges faced in the following regions:

  • The Horn of Africa, in particular Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.
  • The Middle East, in particular Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, and Yemen.
  • The Sahel, in particular Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria.
