IHE Delft has long-term institutional agreements with partners from all over the world. Cooperation with these partners span a wide range of fields related to the development of capacity at individual and institutional levels.
East Asia and Pacific
- Charles Stuart University, contactperson Ken Irvine
- Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, contactperson Yangxiao Zhou
- Drainage Services Department of Hong Kong, contactperson Chris Zevenbergen
- Ministry of Public Works, contactperson Sur Suryadi
- Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, contactperson Klaas Schwartz
- University of Brawijaya, contactperson Alvaro Milho Semedo
- University of Phillippines, contactperson Branislav Petrusevski
- Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute, contactperson Zoran Vojinovic
Latin America and the Caribbean
- Coltuturo, contactperson Erwin Ploeger
- Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito, contactperson Gerald Corzo Perez
- ICETEX, contactperson Leonardo Alfonso Segura
- Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza CATIE, contactperson Gerald Corzo Perez
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN), contactperson Gerald Corzo Perez
- Latitud - Fundacion LATU, contactperson Hector Garcia Hernandez
- Unversidad Technologica UTEC, contactperson Hector Garcia Hernandez
- SABESP, contactperson Klaas Schwartz
- Americas mining company - grupo mexico, contactperson Carlos Lopez Vazquez
Northern America
- Florida International University, contactperson Michael McClain
- World Resources Institute, contactperson Susanne Schmeier
- Florida Atlantic Univ Center for Environmental Studies (Florida Atlantic), contactperson Ioana Popescu
- University of South Florida, Dept.of Civil & Engineering, contactperson Ioana Popescu
South Asia
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, contactperson Alvaro Milho Semedo
- Dhaka WASA, contactperson David Ferras
- International Water Management Institute, contactperson Marloes Mul
Sub-Saharan Africa
- Institut National de L'eau, contactperson Hans van der Kwast
- International Livestock Research Institute, contactperson Gretchen Gettel
- United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), contactperson Ken Irvine
- Rand Water, contactperson Saroj Sharma
- FirstRand Trust, contactperson Cristina Anacabe
- Department of Irrigation Development Zimbabwe, contactperson Pieter van der Zaag
Western Europe
- United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO, contactperson Miroslav Marence
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), contactperson Gretchen Gettel
- International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change, contactperson Tibor Stigter
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), contactperson Graham Jewitt
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, contactperson Marloes Mul
- Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), contactperson Janez Susnik
- Universiteit van Amsterdam, contactperson Eddy Moors
- International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre, contactperson Eddy Moors
- Rijkswaterstaat, contactperson Mishka Stuip
- Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, contactperson Mishka Stuip
- TU Delft, contactperson Pieter van der Zaag
- Netherlands Water Partnership, contactperson Chris Zevenbergen
- Luftia Rabbani Foundation, contactperson Gaetano Casale
- University of Twente, contactperson Michael McClain
- ZDHC Foundation, contactperson Carlos Lopez Vazquez
- Rotary Club, District 1600, contactperson Mita Kusumaningrum
- EAWAG, contactperson Shirish Singh
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO), contactperson Biswa Bhattacharya
- International Water Association, contactperson Damir Brdanovic
News ·
New Global Sanitation Graduate School hubs in Africa, Asia and South America to strengthen regional education
The Global Sanitation Graduation School (GSGS), a rigorous sanitation curriculum platform founded by IHE Delft and the Gates Foundation, has established five regional hubs to increase its impact. With almost half the world’s population lacking access to the safely managed sanitation, the school’s alumni are sorely needed.
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Drinking water safety planning in focus during training in the Maldives
Providing the residents of Kaafu Atoll and other Maldivian outer atolls with a reliable supply of drinking water is a challenge, and planning is key. Island council members from all the Kaafu Atoll islands and other atoll officials recently strengthened their ability to conduct drinking water safety planning during a course led by Assela Pathirana, IHE Delft Associate Professor in Water Infrastructure Asset Management.
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Project to co-create climate resilience in diverse African contexts receives Dutch funding
A project that will involve citizens and local authorities in different African regions, as well as global stakeholders, in joint work to prepare for climate change has received a €6.9 million grant from the Dutch Research Agenda.
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Enhancing sanitation in Dutch asylum seeker centres: A collaborative initiative
A report by IHE Delft alumnus Kyaw Htoon, presented to the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), highlights challenges in sanitation within Dutch asylum seeker centres (AZCs).
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ICETEX scholarships for Colombian students to pursue MSc in Water and Sustainable Development
ICETEX and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education have signed a strategic agreement to offer scholarships to Colombians interested in pursuing master's degree programmes. This partnership aims to promote higher education and contribute to the professional development of Colombian students in key areas such as water management, sustainability and the environment.
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New Algae Lab: research focussed on resource recovery in the water cycle
Linear systems have led to the over exploration of our planet’s natural resources, so it is time to develop technologies that focus on circularity. The new ecotechnologies need to remove harmful pollutants from the water cycle, while recovering the elements needed to sustain the growing population within planetary borders. To achieve this, IHE Delft recently opened its Algae Lab. The aim: to find technological solutions to improve water quality availability and resources recovery.
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Dams at times of war: looming collapse of the Jebel Aulia Dam in Sudan
Water infrastructure is often targeted within tactics of warfare, either to control certain areas or populations or weaponized to deprive, poison or flush away the enemy. Due to its intensive maintenance and diligent operation requirements, large dams in particular can form – wilfully of negligently – a liability in times of war causing huge threat to the already vulnerable population, as is currently the case with the Jebel Aulia Dam in Sudan.
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Floods in Spain: extreme but part of a new normal, IHE Delft experts say
News media report more than 90 deaths and severe infrastructure damage following flash floods caused by extreme rain in eastern and southern Spain. IHE Delft experts Shreedhar Maskey, Associate Professor of Hydrology & Water Resources, and Fredrik Huthoff, Associated Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, reflect on what contributed to the sudden disaster.
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Second consecutive hottest summer on record increases likelihood of conflict
July 22 was the hottest day ever recorded by humans and it fell during the second consecutive hottest a (northern hemisphere) summer on record. This unprecedented heat has heightened the likelihood of water-related violent conflict and humanitarian crises, according to the latest analysis from the Water Peace and Security Partnership’s Global Early Warning Tool.
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International knowledge exchange crucial for Dutch water expertise
Though known worldwide for exporting water knowledge, the Netherlands learns just as much from other countries through knowledge sharing and collaboration, Margreet Zwarteveen, Professor of Water Governance at IHE Delft, told a Dutch parliamentary session focused on international cooperation in the water sector.