Saroj Kumar Sharma graduated in Civil Engineering with distinction in 1988 (M.R.Engineering College, University of Rajasthan, India), completed his MSc in Sanitary Engineering with distinction in 1997 (IHE Delft, The Netherlands) and PhD in Groundwater Treatment in 2001 (Wageningen University and IHE Delft, The Netherlands). He is specialized in water supply engineering - water quality, treatment and distribution. He has 34 years of professional and academic experience in planning, design, implementation, and operation and maintenance of urban, semi-urban and community-based rural water supply projects. He has worked with several government agencies, international consultants and donors in various water supply projects in different parts of the world.
His teaching and research interests are in the field of physicochemical treatment processes (filtration and adsorption), natural treatment systems (bank filtration and soil aquifer treatment), water transport and distribution (water loss management, urban water demand management) and decentralized water supply systems (for small towns and urban poor areas). Dr. Sharma has more than 150 publications on water supply related subjects in peer reviewed scientific journals and international conference proceedings. He is also the editor of Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, published by IWA.
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.