Webinar: Creating Societal Impact – Insights for Water and Development

This webinar invites collective reflection and exchange of ideas on moving from the sphere of control (from input to outputs), towards the sphere of influence (outcomes) to the sphere of interest (impacts) in projects facilitated by the IHE Delft Water and Development Partnership Programme.
For societal impact to be structural and sustainable, water and development projects strive to shift from conventional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) towards engaging and empowering stakeholders, ultimately creating tangible changes in people’s livelihoods and living conditions.
Creating and enhancing societal impact has been a key focus in the Water and Development Partnership Programme, with a dedicated Impact Initiative that aims to “better measure and manage the societal impacts of the underpinning projects”.
This webinar will synthesize insights and experience from different projects on societal impacts of the Programme, and features a panel discussion with invited speakers. It invites a collective reflection and exchange of ideas on moving from the sphere of control (from input to outputs), towards the sphere of influence (outcomes) to the sphere of interest (impacts). With concrete cases and examples, the presentations and discussion will address some key questions including:
- What are the relevant insights and examples that the projects have learned regarding creating societal impacts?
- What are the tools we have to learn about impacts and how useful are these to support impact in various phases of project implementation?
- What roles do meaningful partnerships play in creating societal impacts?
- Jaynie Vonk – Impact Measurement Specialist for Oxfam Novib
- Shareen Naw – Environmental Planning and Management researcher, Myanmar
- Fredrick Mugira – Journalist, Co-founder at InfoNile
- Tanvi Walawalkar – Environmental Planning and Management Expert, CEATI International
The webinar is open to anyone interested. You will receive an invitation and zoom link in due time. Registration below.