CS4Water Conference 2025

Join us for the inaugural Citizen Science 4 Water (CS4Water) Conference that will be held 3-5 June 2025 in Delft, the Netherlands. The conference will focus on the crucial role citizen science plays within water resource monitoring, management and governance as well as community-led actions. Together, we will explore how citizen science can help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) around the world and future-proof healthy water bodies for generations to come.
For this inaugural CS4Water conference, we will focus on freshwater systems, diving into engaging workshop sessions, exploring innovative research, and connecting international water and citizen science experts.
More detailed information is available on the conference website.
Early bird registration for the CS4W conference is open until 4 March.
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Research paper: SIDS key to global solutions for climate change and other challenges
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Mario Castro Gama earns PhD for research on energy savings for water utilities
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Climate-resilient coastal cities: training for East Java officials
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