Digital innovation in water

Development in water and the environment require innovative solutions. Digital solutions are used to enable efficient and effective use of water data for society, ecosystems, government and the private sector. At IHE Delft, we consider digital innovation in water a must to tackle water and climate-related challenges.
We develop and combine digital technological approaches to solve pressing issues, aiming to make the resulting solutions practical and applicable. Through years of experience working with data-poor areas in low- and middle-income countries, we have learned that this process is highly dependent on data availability.
This is one of the reasons why IHE Delft supports open science: to improve data availability worldwide, but also to improve access to scientific findings and software developed in open communities. The Institute promotes open access publications, open data and open education. The demand for water education by far exceeds the number of professionals that the Institute can train. This gap is bridged by making education available for free on the IHE Delft Open CourseWare platform.
The digital innovation expertise at IHE Delft includes physically based and data-driven modelling, decision-support systems, the optimization of and artificial intelligence for water systems, remote sensing, citizen science, earth observation, spatial analysis and GIS.
Message on open science
Digital solutions must be used to enable the more efficient and effective use of water data for society, ecosystems, government and the private sector
Examples of this are platforms combining digital solutions for planning and managing of water systems, and serious gaming platforms to enable better decision-making and to facilitate dialogue (negotiation) between stakeholders in conflict situations.
IHE Delft-organized hackathons bring together (social) scientists, engineers, programmers, communications specialists, and local experts to create real-world applications.
Citizen science
Citizen science allows citizens to provide a new data stream of local information about their environment, complementing existing systems and data sources using their mobile devices and their observations. However, citizen science initiatives often extend beyond data collection. As such, it has the potential to trigger shifts in the role of citizens and communities in environmental management and related decision-making, with significant impacts on existing water management, governance processes and sustainable development.
Managing water with Data: Satellites, Remote Sensing, and the value chain of Open Data
Ground level monitoring is often done in ways that involves generation, consolidation, and analysis of vast amounts of data. Hans van der Kwast answers questions such as what goes on behind this technology? To what extent does all this technology, all this data reach people doing water management on the ground?
Geospatial Education as a service
Hans van der Kwast speaks about how to be better at teaching and helping students learn geospatial skills and concepts, it's also about building and selling online courses. It's about education as a service and how we make the service as assessable as possible.
OOSKAnews Talks
Dr Susanne Schmeier talks about the collaborative "Water, Peace and Security initiative" which is pioneering development of innovative information tools and practical approaches that can support evidence-based actions to reduce water-related security risks.
Meet our experts on digital innovation in water
IHE Delft’s international staff use their expertise to improve the global water situation. Some of them are listed here – find more in our staff directory.
Hans van der Kwast
Associate Professor of Open Science and Digital Innovation
Uta Wehn
Professor of Citizen Science and Sustainability
Assela Pathirana
Associate Professor in Water Infrastructure Asset Management
Ioana Popescu
Professor of Hydroinformatics
Leonardo Alfonso Segura
Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics
Gerald Corzo Perez
Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics
News ·
Uta Wehn appointed Professor of Citizen Science and Sustainability
Uta Wehn, recently appointed Professor of Citizen Science and Sustainability at IHE Delft and Leiden University, is a champion for citizen science that empowers citizens and communities to contribute to positive change. Her professorship will analyse and expand the role of citizen science in catalysing change toward sustainability.
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Alumni impact: a park for water security, biodiversity and more in Colombia
When urban sprawl in the city of Cali threatened precious land that is key to important aquifers that supplies the city and the region with water, IHE Delft alumnus Daniel Ascúntar Rios knew he had to act. In 2020, as an official in the local administration, he led a team that acquired the land and created a giant park packed with nature-based solutions that protect not only the aquifer, but also biodiversity, culture and heritage.
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Mario Castro Gama earns PhD for research on energy savings for water utilities
Mario Castro Gama from Colombia has successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Multi-Objective Optimization of Energy Efficiency and Pressure Management in Large Water Distribution Networks.” The results demonstrated up to 16% energy savings and enhanced operational cost efficiency. Dr. Mario Castro Gama was awarded with a doctoral degree at IHE Delft on 19 November 2024. His promotor is Professor Dimitri Solomatine and his co-promotor Dr. Andreja Jonoski. He would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Ioana Popescu and Dr. Andreja Jonoski for their guidance. He reflects on his research and its significance.
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Updated Transboundary Freshwater Diplomacy Database Explorer launched at World Water Week
A new and expanded database that helps researchers, policymakers and water diplomats manage water conflicts and enhance cooperation over shared water resources was launched at World Water Week in Stockholm. The database and the new user interface offer easy access to comprehensive, scientific-based information on transboundary water conflict, cooperation, treaties and institutions.
Student testimonial ·
IHE Delft MSc student Manisha Banik wants to expand access to drinking water in India
Manisha Banik from India studies water to accelerate her career and her work to ensure that everyone in India one day will have affordable access to safe drinking water. She sees effective water governance as a key way forward, particularly considering the growing water-related challenges brought by climate change impacts.
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Water and Development Partnership Programme: InfoNile wins climate journalism award
InfoNile, a group of journalists supported by IHE Delft’s Water and Development Partnership Programme, was named a winner of a prestigious Covering Climate Now Journalism Award this month, along with other winners including BBC News, Reuters and the Nigerian Tribune.
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IHE Delft project creates web application to assess nature-based solutions for climate adaptation
Choosing the right nature-based solutions for climate adaptation is tricky. Will measures such as blocking ditches, restoring wetlands or creating infiltration ponds give the best results? Or is tree planting or heathland restoration better? Or other measures, or a combination? A new application, developed by IHE Delft, in collaboration with Open University and the Province of Noord Brabant, helps decision-makers in the Dutch-Belgian Aa or Weerijs river catchment evaluate solutions.
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World Water Forum: Coalition for capacity development in water
A delegation from IHE Delft was among the 20,000 registered participants in the 10th World Water Forum held in May 2024 in Indonesia. Our water experts spoke at sessions on topics including water justice, education, finance, youth action, ancestral knowledge and transboundary cooperation. They participated in many sessions and met with IHE Delft alumni, leaders, youth and other delegates. From a base in the UNESCO booth, they shared information about the work we do at IHE Delft. IHE Delft Rector Eddy Moors, who was part of the delegation, reflects on the meeting in this blog.
Alumni interview ·
Alumnus Dr Moerwanto on how the World Water Forum aims to achieve prosperity for all
Creating a communication network to help achieve prosperity for all, that is the aim of the upcoming World Water Forum. IHE Delft alumnus Dr Arie Setiadi Moerwanto is Vice Chairman of the Programme and Session Division in the National Committee for the 10th World Water Forum. The forum to be held in Bali, Indonesia in May, is the world’s biggest water conference.
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Klaas Schwartz, new Professor of Water Services Governance, tackles drinking water supply challenges
Klaas Schwartz, recently promoted to Professor of Water Services Governance, considers addressing governance and management challenges faced by water providers as his main task. He was appointed Professor at IHE Delft and the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) on 1 April.