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Alumni Online Seminar - Hydroinformatics: AI and digital innovation approaches to water problems by Ioana Popescu


The webinar "Hydroinformatics: AI and digital innovation approaches to water problems" by Ioana Popescu and two invitees: Dr. Claudia Bertini and Haris Ali, PhD candidate, will explore techniques in hydrodynamic modelling. It will highlight advanced computational methods and innovative approaches for predicting and visualizing flood events in river systems, lake water levels are determined based on modelling and remote sensing input data.

Learn how modern technology is transforming our ability to manage water resources, from advanced computational fluid dynamics to remote sensing data integration. The presentation will highlight practical applications, making it particularly relevant for professionals working in climate change adaptation.

About the Speakers

Ioana Popescu is Professor of Hydroinformatics at IHE Delft. Her research focuses on computational methods, aspects of flood modelling and vulnerability related to floods, lake and reservoir modelling and water supply systems modelling and optimisation. She is particularly interested in integrating mathematical models into decision support systems. She is a member of several engineering associations and research schools, such as the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), the European Geophysical Union (EGU) and of the SENSE research school. Popescu focuses in her work in the area of the physically based modelling, flood modelling, river systems, Decision Support Systems, and hydroinformatics.

Claudia Bertini is a researcher in the Hydroinformatics group at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. She holds an MSc degree in Civil Hydraulic Engineering and a PhD degree in Environmental and Hydraulics Engineering from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Her background in hydrology, with experience in rainfall data analysis, rainfall extreme events, remote sensing, and hydrological modelling.

Haris Ali, PhD candidate Hydroinformatics. 

How to attend?
The event is free. Please register here to receive a link to join the meeting, to be held on the Zoom platform.

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How can I ask questions or make comments during the seminar?
Please enter your questions in the question box.

Lifelong learning
Online seminars form part of lifelong learning resources we offer to the Institute's Alumni. The one-hour seminars feature webcast interactive lectures and discussions. Organized by IHE Delft, the seminars focus on topics selected to suit the interests of alumni and partners, but they are of interest also to a broader audience – feel free to invite colleagues and others who may be interested.


For extra information please contact Ms. Maria Laura Sorrentino, Alumni Relations Officer at [email protected].

A recording of the seminar will be published on the IHE Delft alumni webpage, IHE Delft YouTube after the event. Earlier seminars are available on this link.