Solutions for water sector organizations
Water sector organizations world-wide face a myriad of challenges. Having the capacity, both at the individual and organizational level, to deal with these challenges is crucial. IHE Delft helps to build the capacity of your organization.
Water supply, sanitation and water resources are affected not only by climate change, rising demands for water and increasing pollution of sources but also by limited human and institutional capacity. Many countries are ill-equipped to tackle problems and to play their role in international negotiations and sustainable development, which sustains a situation of dependency. Building strong local and regional education and research environments to educate future water leaders and creating adequate organizations enabling the sound management of water resources are at IHE Delft's core.
Capacity development, which used to be considered synonymous with training and education, now is understood more broadly and also encompasses many other ways to develop capacity.
Pieces of the puzzle for your organization
IHE Delft will always take as first step a dialogue with your organization with the purpose of clearly understanding the business needs of the organization and to jointly develop a targeted intervention that will in the end contribute to the intended result. IHE Delft also offers post-intervention support in order to make sure the organization is supported (if appropriate) in the long term.
Examples of possible interventions that support organizations emanate from the long standing experience of IHE Delft in strengthening institutions all over the world, and from the huge amount of lessons learned and experience gained in those interventions. IHE Delft supports all different type of organizations in the water sectors (Utilities, Academic Institutions, Government and Non-government organization, Private Companies).
Working in partnership
IHE Delft's partnership products and services
Our process
As a first step, you can contact us and we will discuss how to address specific problems, demands, and/or opportunities your organization is confronted with or wishes to pursue. Then, we will prepare and share with you a draft proposal including draft budget. One of our academic staff members is assigned to follow up on this.
Lastly, we finalize and submit our proposal to your organization and upon our mutual agreement we will jointly prepare a contract and carry out the activity.
Interested? Let us know!
For customized training and advice, please contact Anna San Llorente Capdevila, our Liaison Officer. Reach out via email at [email protected] to initiate a conversation.
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Drinking water safety planning in focus during training in the Maldives
Providing the residents of Kaafu Atoll and other Maldivian outer atolls with a reliable supply of drinking water is a challenge, and planning is key. Island council members from all the Kaafu Atoll islands and other atoll officials recently strengthened their ability to conduct drinking water safety planning during a course led by Assela Pathirana, IHE Delft Associate Professor in Water Infrastructure Asset Management.
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Climate-resilient coastal cities: training for East Java officials
Officials from Indonesia’s East Java province strengthened their ability to create sustainable and climate-resilient coastal cities during an IHE Delft training held earlier this year. The training enhanced the skills and knowledge of executive managers in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), with a special focus on sustainability and climate resilience.
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Central Asian water experts sharpen governance knowledge during specialized IHE Delft training
Water education is key in Central Asia, which faces significant water-related challenges partly because its shared water resources are overused and unevenly distributed. That’s why Central Asian water management experts recently took part in an IHE Delft training course to enhance their ability to design and deliver higher water education.