IHE Delft, a foundation under Dutch law, is overseen by a Governing Board. A three-member Rectorate leads the Institute, including its about 200 staff members, almost 60% of whom are academic staff. More than 350 national and international guest lecturers from government agencies, partner universities and research institutes support the Institute’s work.
IHE Delft Governing Board
The Governing Board safeguards the mission and financial stability of IHE Delft. It authorises the Institute’s mid- and long-term strategies and annual work plans, and it monitors compliance.
- Peter Glas (Chair) was appointed deputy chairmen of the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment and Ecology Authority in April 2024. He was the Delta Programme Commissioner of the Netherlands from 2019 to 2023, and is a former chair of the OECD Water Governance Initiative. From 2004 to 2015, he a was member of the executive board of the Dutch Association of Regional Water Authorities (Unie van Waterschappen), the last six years of which he served as the national chair. He began his career at WL|Delft Hydraulics (now Deltares) as a researcher and consultant in integrated water management. His career includes several distinguished positions in integrated water management and related fields.
- Wayida Mohamed is Group Human Resources Executive at Rand Water, a position in which she is responsible for 3,500 permanent employees and 13,000 temporary staff and students who provide bulk water services to over 12 million customers in five South African provinces. She is also involved in other projects throughout the country. Her qualifications include an Honours degree in Industrial Sociology, a Bachelor of Arts degree and several professional diplomas. She is an accredited trainer and accomplished facilitator and has chaired and moderated various conference commissions. She is serves on several Boards across the water sector and related fields.
- Robert Mudde (unitil December 2024) is Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and Professor of Multiphase Flows and Distinguished Professor in Science Education at the same institution. He has held various scientific and managerial positions with the TU Delft over the past 30 years, including Director of Education at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Director of the Graduate School of Applied Science, Head of the Multiscale Physics Department and acting chair of the Department Imaging Physics. As chairman of the Education Taskforce, he had a leading role in the development of the TU Delft Vision on Education, which laid the groundwork for the TU Delft Strategic Framework 2018-2024: Impact for a better society.
- Oyun Sanjaasuren (until March 2024) is the Director of External Affairs of Green Climate Fund, based in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. From 2014 to 2016, she served as the first President of the United Nations Environment Assembly, the Governing Body of UNEP. In this position, , she promoted environmental cooperation at a variety of international events on issues relating to sustainable development, climate change and water security. Earlier, she served five consecutive terms as a Member of Parliament in Mongolia, and has served as Minister of Environment and Green Development and Minister of Foreign Affairs. A geochemist by training, with a Ph.D in Earth Sciences from the University of Cambridge, Dr. Oyun’s public life also includes work to advance civil and social rights. She is the founding member and the Chair of the Special Olympics Mongolia and heads the the Zorig Foundation, which supports youth and education to advance democracy.
- Abou Amani is the Director of the Division of Water Sciences and Secretary at UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP). Among his earlier positions at UNESCO headquarters are Chief of the Executive Office for the Natural Science Sector and Chief of the Section on Hydrological Systems and Water Scarcity. While holding the latter position, he set up a monitoring and early warning systems for droughts and floods in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. From 2010 to 2015, he was the Regional Hydrologist for Africa, based in Nairobi, Kenya, and as such was in charge of the implementation of the IHP in Sub-Saharan Africa. During this time, he also served as Acting Director of the UNESCO office in Nairobi, Kenya, and Head of the UNESCO office in Maputo, Mozambique.
- Meike van Ginneken is a water leader with 25 years of experience spanning five continents. Van Ginneken has helped to provide millions of people with access to water and sanitation services. She served as UN Assistant Secretary General at the International Fund for Agricultural Development and as the Chief Executive Officer of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. Van Ginneken held various leadership positions at the World Bank, where she managed the energy portfolio in West & Central Africa and the water portfolio in South Asia. Per 1 August 2023, she has been appointed as water envoy and programme director Climate Adaptation for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
The Rectorate, comprising the Rector, the Vice Rector and the Business Director, leads the Institute.
- Eddy Moors, Rector
- Graham Jewitt, Vice Rector
- Johan Aad van Dijk, Business Director
Remuneration Board Members
The law on standard remuneration for top executives' public and semi-public sector (WNT) sets limits for the general maximum remuneration for executives' in the semi-public sector.
The general and sectorial remuneration limits are reviewed or re-established annually.
The official WNT website (in Dutch) lists the maximum remuneration.
Academic Departments
The staff of IHE Delft’s six Academic Departments are responsible for education, training and research programmes. More information is available on the academic departments page.
Process Management Units
Process Management Units support the work of Academic Departments. These include Facilities and Procurement; the Education Bureau; Finance; Human Resource Management; the Learning Team; Library, Information and Technology, and the Office of the Rector, comprising the Communication and Liaison Offices.
IHE Delft’s campus is located in central the centre of Delft. The premises, comprising three interconnected buildings with a total, cover an area of 14,000 square metres of space. The buildings, extending from the main entrance of the new modern building on Westvest 7, to the historic buildings of Oude Delft 95 and 93 along one of Delft’s main canals.
The Institute offers a wide range of facilities:
- Four modern teaching and research laboratories: aquatic ecology, microbiology process and analytical laboratories;
- A library with online connections to a worldwide network of libraries, and a reading room containing many international journals and magazines;
- Multifunctional lecture theaters and a fully equipped 300-seat auditorium that seats 300;
- Extensive ICT facilities, including a studio with videoconferencing facilities;
- Innovative learning tools, including smart boards, WiFi and remote access to all digital resources
- A restaurant offering a wide variety of meals and snacks;
- An in-house prayer and meditation room;
- Where possible, residential accommodation equipped with computers, internet connections and other facilities.
IHE Delft operates as a Foundation under Dutch law, and workings under the auspices of UNESCO as a Category 2 centre. The Institute cooperates closely with the UNESCO’s Secretariat, its Natural the Sciences Sector and the International Hydrological Programme (IHP).
ANBI status
IHE Delft is a foundation with an ANBI status. An ANBI status makes it possible to make donations that may be tax deductible. More information can be found on the website of the Tax and Customs Administration (in Dutch). Stichting IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the statutory name of this institute. It is registered under Chamber of Commerce number 41146484 with tax reference 803273150.
IHE Delft follows the VSNU rules for awarding the staff members. The financial responsibility of IHE Delft can be found in IHE Delft Annual Reports.
General terms of delivery for IHE Delft courses