What today is the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education begun in 1957 with a postgraduate diploma course in hydraulic engineering for 45 professionals from developing countries. Since then, IHE Delft has developed into one of the world’s largest graduate water education facilities.
Time Line
In 1953, a devastating North Sea flood broke dikes and seawalls in the Netherlands, killing almost 2,000 people and destroying 4,500 buildings. The Netherlands, determined to avoid a repeat of the tragedy, developed hydraulic engineering expertise and an ambitious flood defence system called the Delta Works.
In 1955, several developing countries, taking note of the Netherlands’ advanced hydraulic engineering expertise, asked if their engineers could be trained in the Netherlands. A request from the Ambassador of what is now Bangladesh became the starting point for training courses for engineers from developing countries.
In 1957, 45 participants from 21 countries took the first 'International Course in Hydraulic Engineering', which focused on 'Tidal and coastal engineering', 'Reclamation' and 'Rivers and navigation works'.
In 1960, the Institute, in cooperation with Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Cooperation (Nuffic), expanded the curriculum with the 'European Course in Sanitary Engineering' following a request from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
From 1966 onwards: responding to increased interest in the European Course in Sanitary Engineering, a parallel course focusing on drinking water supply, sanitation and public health administration in agricultural and rural areas was introduced.
In 1976 the name International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE) was introduced. Several years later, after a steady growth of courses and research themes, the word Infrastructural was added to the name, but the abbreviation IHE remained.
In 1977 IHE celebrated its 20th anniversary. By now, about 2,500 engineers from 97 countries had attended its courses.
From 1985 to 1998, the number of students coming to IHE per year grew from 200 to 450, and the Institute's staff grew from 35 to 130. IHE became a major player in water sector capacity development by educating and training individuals, conducting research and working to strengthen institutions.
From 1990 to 1992, the building at Westvest 7, now the heart of IHE Delft, was constructed, extending the historical Oude Delft 95 complex.
In 1995, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognized IHE Delft Institute for Water Education as an Institute for Technology. IHE Delft became an independent institute after having been part of Nuffic for 39 years.
From January 1 1996, all staff is employed by the IHE foundation.
In November 2001, the 31st UNESCO General Conference established the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education.
In 2003, IHE Delft joined the UNESCO Water family by beginning to operate as a Category 1 Institute and officially changing its name to UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education.
In 2017, following discussions with the Netherlands Government and UNESCO that had found that operating as an integral part of UNESCO was not optimal for the Institute’s work with UNESCO and its Member States, nor for its functional autonomy and academic freedom, the Institute began a period on transition. From 1 January 2017, the Institute operates as a foundation under Dutch law, working in partnership with UNESCO. The Institute’s name was changed to IHE Delft Institute for Water Education.
In 2018, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education became a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, following discussions among the Institute’s Foundation Board, the Dutch Ministries of Infrastructure and Environment, Foreign Affairs, Education, Culture and Science as well as the Dutch Representative to UNESCO. This concluded the period of transition. Throughout, the Institute continued to cooperate closely with the UNESCO Secretariat, the Science Sector and the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), and remained a flagship institute in the UNESCO Water Family.
By now, IHE Delft has trained more than 25,000 water professionals from 190 countries, mostly from Africa, Asia and Latin America. In collaboration with leading universities, the Institute has conferred more than 130 PhD degrees. In addition, the Institute conducts research and supports efforts to develop capacity.
History of IHE buildings
A changing name
Though the Institute’s mission – contributing to a better water world – has remained throughout the decades, the name has been changed several times.
1957 - 1960
International Course
1960 - 1964
International Courses
1964 - 1976
International Courses in Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering
1976 - 1991
International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE)
1991 - 2003
International Institute for Infrastructural Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE Delft)
2003 - 2017
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
2017 onwards
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education