
The projects under the second phase of the Water and Development Partnership Programme (DUPC2), have produced over 1800 outputs of varying types, of which 55% have a lead author from one of the focus regions. This page showcases some of these outputs, with the aim of sharing knowledge.
Online Repository
We have recently set up an online repository where a selection of outputs from the Water and Development Partnership Programme are shared. This platform allows you to search and apply filters, to access the outputs you are searching for. If you are particularly interested in the outputs generated by projects from phase two, please click on the link below.
Open Course Ware
The IHE Delft OCW allows access to high-quality educational resources open and for free.These educational resources focus on various water and development subjects for a broad audience looking for an introduction to these topics.
For all outputs related to education and open course ware (OCW), please visit the page below.
More outputs
Still looking for more information after consulting the platforms above? Please visit the regions and cross-cutting agenda item pages to see if the project you are looking for is highlighted here. If the highlighted projects have a project website, these are also listed in their description. While relevant media outputs (like podcasts, webinars & video's, are also posted on their respective region or cross-cutting agenda item pages, you can also find an overview on the Media & Events page linked below.