Middle East

The Water and Development Partnership Programme phase 2 has focus regions, where needs of low- and middle-income countries to strengthen their water and development sectors are particularly addressed. The Middle East is such a focus region, which is reflected in the present research activities. All of the projects in this region establish linkages between researchers and professionals, and include the participation of local water sector organizations. A selection of the outputs produced within this region by the phase 2 projects, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
In the Middle East, the Water and Development Partnership Program (phase 2) has worked with 23 Southern partners on a total of 28 projects, with grants of approximately 7 Million Euros.
Podcast episode
Turning Saltwater to Fresh - Story from Jordan
Jordan is also in the water world – it constantly ranks top 5 in the list of the most water-scarce nations of the world. Here, every single drop of water counts – in the most literal sense. We talk to researchers and a policy maker from Jordan, to have a peek into Jordan’s water challenges, and learn what it takes to fight water scarcity. With: Dr. Muna Gharaibeh (Jordan Water Authority); Prof. Tariq Al-Najjar and Prof. Mohammad Wahsha (University of Jordan).