Digital Innovations

IHE Delft considers digital innovation in water pivotal to help tackle water and climate-related challenges. Over the years, the Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) has supported the work of various projects that work on digital tools and approaches such as remote sensing to address these challenges. A selection of the outputs produced by the phase 2 projects within this agenda item, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
Podcasts & Webinars
Podcast episode
Water, Peace, and Security
We discuss with IHE Delft's Susanne Schmeier the interlinkages between Water and Peace, and whether conflict can be forecast using data and machine learning
Podcast episode
Managing Water with Data: Satellites, Remote Sensing, and the value chain of Open Data
Monitoring and managing of water resources is increasingly being done remotely-- using data collected from satellites and drones. Ground level monitoring is often done in ways that involves generation, consolidation, and analysis of vast amounts of data. What goes on behind this technology? To what extent does all this technology, all this data reach people doing water management on the ground? And how should we treat the vast amounts of data being generated about natural resources that impact us all— who owns it? Who should have access to it? What way of managing it would stimulate most innovation?
Monitoring Water Productivity using WaPOR- Part 1
This webinar was part two of a six-part masterclass series from the Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP) project. In this series, we will provide attendees with a step-by-step approach to monitor and interpret irrigation performance indicators using open-source tools and provide context through applied case studies. Monitoring at different spatial scales will be discussed (including at crop level, by irrigation scheme, and in river basins) as well as monitoring techniques for biophysical and socioeconomic parameters of water productivity.
Monitoring Water Productivity using WaPOR- Part 2
This webinar (June 17, 2020) is part 3 of a six-part masterclass series from the Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP) project. In this series, we will provide attendees with a step-by-step approach to monitor and interpret irrigation performance indicators using open-source tools and provide context through applied case studies. Monitoring at different spatial scales will be discussed (including at crop level, by irrigation scheme, and in river basins) as well as monitoring techniques for biophysical and socioeconomic parameters of water productivity.