Climate Change

Climate change is an important cross-cutting agenda item of DUPC2. Most research and education projects, direct or indirectly address climate change and adaptation, and contribute to improved knowledge and insights for the water sector in Africa, Asia and Latin America on how to better cope with the new reality. All in all, the cross-cutting agenda item of climate change is integrated into over ⅔ of all projects. A selection of the outputs produced by the phase 2 projects within this agenda item, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
Understanding Pakistan floods
More than a third of Pakistan is under water since mid-June. The floods have left 1500 dead; more than 13,000 injured; 7.6 million displaced. Is this a freak hydrological event, or are we going to see more mega-floods in the future? To what extent are the floods an inevitable effect of climate change, and how much of the death and destruction was down to bad planning, preparedness, and water management? We discuss with Ilyas Masih and Micha Werner (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands) and Khurram Mubeen (MNS University- Multan, Pakistan).
Webinar Building resilient rivers and deltas – taking stock from research and practices from the DUPC2 program
Climate change, sea-level rise, urbanization and competing water uses across sectors and regions, challenge rivers and delta systems in new ways. This affects the millions of people living in delta areas. This webinar takes stock of research and practices on rivers and deltas, conducted as part of DUPC2-supported projects. Join our webinar to learn, reflect and discuss: which evidence and good practices can we leverage for building resilient river deltas? Water resources, fertile soil, life-sustaining ecosystems, energy through hydropower: rivers and deltas provide some of the most essential resources for local populations and socio-economic development.