Capturing & Communicating Impacts

The goal of the Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) is to contribute to solving water and development challenges in low- and middle-income countries. We thus continuously aim to have sustainable, local and positive impact by strengthening the capacities of people, communities and organisations. The program focuses on developing good practice for societal impact, and supports various projects that aim to capture as well as communicate impact. A selection of the outputs produced by the phase 2 projects within this agenda item, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
Creating Societal Impact – Insights for Water and Development
For societal impact to be structural and sustainable, water and development projects strive to shift from conventional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) towards engaging and empowering stakeholders, ultimately creating tangible changes in people’s livelihoods and living conditions. This webinar will synthesize insights and experience from different DUPC2 projects on societal impacts, and feature a panel discussion with invited speakers. It invites a collective reflection and exchange of ideas on moving from the sphere of control (from input to outputs), towards the sphere of influence (outcomes) to the sphere of interest (impacts).