Asian Deltas

Delta’s worldwide face numerous challenges and enhanced capacities as well as improved approaches and solutions are much needed. They are also a source for wealthy biodiversity and play a critical role in economic development, food security, poverty alleviation, gender equality and sustainable development of the particular regions as a whole. The deltas in Asia are projected to be most affected by climate change and sea level rise. The Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) supports various activities in Asia addressing these challenges. A selection of the outputs produced within this region by the phase 2 projects, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
In the Asian Deltas, the Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) has worked with 39 Southern partners on a total of 14 projects, with grants of approximately 1.5 Million Euros.
Building resilient rivers and deltas – taking stock from research and practices from the DUPC2 programme
Water resources, fertile soil, life-sustaining ecosystems, energy through hydropower: rivers and deltas provide some of the most essential resources for local populations and socio-economic development. This webinar takes stock of research and practices on rivers and deltas, conducted as part of DUPC2-supported projects. Join our webinar to learn, reflect and discuss: which evidence and good practices can we leverage for building resilient river deltas?