Water diplomacy

Water diplomacy goes beyond cooperation over water, as it is more broadly concerned with improved regional security and stability, improved trade relations, and regional integration. The Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) supports several projects that address water diplomacy, as it has the potential to promote geopolitical relations between countries sharing a water resource. Water diplomacy is associated with water governance that seeks to analyse and improve institutional arrangements and decision-making processes related to water. A selection of the outputs produced within this theme by the phase 2 projects, are available on the WDPP online repository linked below.
36 projects within the Water and Development Partnership Programme (phase 2) address the focus theme of Water and Diplomacy to varying extents.
Podcast episode
Nile Diplomacy and the Nation-trap
The iconic Nile river flows through several countries who often stake competing claims to its waters. IHE-Delft's Emanuele Fantini discusses a project shows that the key to resolving disputes may lie in bringing together scientists, journalists, & artists in a way that dilutes the imperative to look at the the Nile from the perspective of nation-states.
Podcast episode
Water, Peace and Security
We discuss with IHE Delft's Susanne Schmeier the interlinkages between Water and Peace, and whether conflict can be forecast using data and machine learning