Dr. Jiang is a staff water and environmental economist at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands. He previously also worked as researcher, assistant professor, and consultant across academia, government agencies, and international organizations including VU University Amsterdam, Michigan State University, the National Science Foundation of the U.S., and the World Bank. Trained as an applied economist also with background in planning and engineering, Dr. Jiang has expertise and rich experience in integrated, quantitative approach to studying environmental and natural resource issues within a multidisciplinary setting.
At IHE Delft, Dr. Jiang's activities encompass research, education and capacity development related to water and environmental management. As a sole economist here, Dr. Jiang contributes economics expertises to many applied research projects in water and environment. He delivers economics lectures across course modules of Master of Science programs here, such as IWRM as a tool for adaptation to climate adaptation, strategic delta and river basin planning, and wetlands for livelihood. In particular, he coordinates and teaches water economics, a course that is unique for our water management and governance program and that is popular and highly evaluated as an open short course for external water professionals from renowned international organizations such as the United Nations Environmental Program, the Caribbean Development Bank, and Global Environmental Facility. In terms of capacity development, he has delivered many capacity building training courses or workshops on water economics and ecosystem service valuation abroad in countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Benin, and Georgia. Over the past 3 years, he has organized in the Netherlands tailor made training programs on Dutch water management for water administrators and professionals from the Water Affairs Bureau of Nanjing, China. In addition, Dr. Jiang mentors both master and doctoral student research in water, climate change, and agriculture and environment related issues in developing countries.
Research Summary
Dr. Jiang's research interest is broadly defined within environmental and natural resource economics and policy with trackable publication records. He is particularly interested in holistic, systematic, and multidisciplinary approaches to studying environmental and natural resource issues. He is enthusiastic about applying integrated, quantitative modeling approaches to understand human interaction with biophysical systems and to develop implications for policy. Previous research activities encompass climate change and policy, weather and food security, land use policy, conservation biology, water resource management, integrated assessment of agricultural and environmental policy, and environmental valuation. His scholarly research work has led to publications in leading peer-reviewed professional journals such as Ecological Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Environmental Science and Policy, and Journal of Environmental Management. He has rich experience working with different expertises in a mulitidisciplinary environment. His recent interests include economics and governance of nature-based solutions and water and environmental financing through policy and management innovations and capacity building.
A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.