Yasir A. Mohamed is a civil engineer by training and specialised in hydrology and water resources. He is presently professor of water resources management and Director General of the Hydraulics Research Centre, HRC-Sudan, and as a joint appointee, he is Associate Professor of water resources management at IHE Delft, The Netherlands.
Yasir has wide experience in hydrological and hydraulics modelling, water resources systems, irrigation systems, remote sensing applications, and regional climate modelling. He started his career at the HRC-Sudan, in 1985, where he did research on irrigation systems, hydrology and hydraulics engineering. He obtained his diploma on Land and Water Development, and subsequently MSc on “operation of reservoir systems” in 1990 from IHE Delft, and later in 2005 his PhD – on “hydroclimatology of the Nile”, from the same institute. He worked for Deltares (WL|Delft Hydraulics) on the development of the flood early warning system for the Nile River in Sudan (1991 to 92), and for the Indus System in Pakistan (1995 to 98). He worked between 1999 and 2002, on 2D and 3D modelling in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Between 2006 and 2009, Yasir joined the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), as a senior researcher at the Addis Ababa Office, where he led different research projects on hydrology and water resources, with emphasis on the Nile Basin. Since 2009, he returned back to HRC, where he became the DG in 2012, and leading the research work at the centre. As a joint appointee at IHE Delft since 2006, Yasir has been teaching and contributing to curriculum development in Delft, and in many other (developing) countries, in particular the Nile basin countries and in Asia. He has supervised many MSc and several PhD students. Yasir has published widely in international journals and conferences. He is a guest editor of the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, and Journal of Spatial Hydrology.
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.
Other information
Recent and ongoing research projects at IHE Delft
The Tekezze-Atbara River Basin Simulation
River basin simulation for improved transboundary water management in the Nile: Case study of the Tekezze-Atbara sub-basin. Research partners are: The Hydraulics Research Center of Sudan (leading), Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources (AAU) of Ethiopia, and IHE delft. The project is funded by DUPC2 program. More information at http://t-abasin.hrc-sudan.sd/
Water Accounting
Water accounting analysis in the NENA countries, funded by : DUPC2, FAO. More information at http://wateraccounting.org/contact.html
Blue Nile
In Search of Sustainable Catchments and Basin-wide Solidarities; Transboundary Water Management of the Blue Nile River Basin; with IWMI, Addis Ababa and Khartoum Universities and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NWO/WOTRO funded; 2008-2012); see http://www.un-ihe.org/BlueNile.
Recent and ongoing research projects with HRC-Sudan
The downstream impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on hydrology and water resources
This project aims to assess the impact of the GERD on the downstream hydrology (river flow and water level), and the impacts on water resources (hydropower, irrigation), using a multiple of models: SOBEK for flow routing and estimation of water level; RIBASIM to assess impact on hydropower generation and irrigation water supply, and thirdly satellite images to estimate impact on flood plain agriculture. More information at https://hrc-sudan.sd/index.php/portfolio/project-1/
Africa to Asia and Back Again: Testing Adaptation in Flood-based Farming Systems
Project partners are: IWMI, ICRAF and MetaMeta as conveners of Spate Irrigation Network. It is funded by IFAD. The Sudan component focus on (i) research on on-farm water management, (ii) research on water governance, and (iii) strengthening networks of stakeholders working on flood-based farming. More information at: https://hrc-sudan.sd/index.php/portfolio/africa-to-asia-and-back-again/
Estimation of cropped areas in the Gezira Scheme using remote sensing data
This is a continuous research project to estimate cropped areas in the Gezira Scheme (1 million ha) using Landsat 8 satellite imageries. More information at http://hrc-sudan.sd/index.php/portfolio/mapping-of-cropped-area-in-gezira-irrigation-schame/
Smart ICT for Weather and Water Information and Advice to Smallholders in Africa, Sudan component
The objective of this project is to promote innovative approaches and ICT-based technologies for weather, water and crop related information and give advice to relevant end-users. Project has its pilot sites in Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Mali. In Sudan the pilot site is located in the Gash River catchment and command area covers aspects related to agricultural water management and Flood Early Warning System (FEWS). The project is led by IWMI and funded by IFAD.