Solomon Seyoum is a Senior Lecturer in Water Resources Assessment and Modelling in the department of Land and Water Management, IHE Delft. His main qualification is in the development and application of hydrological and hydrodynamic simulation models, data driven models, application of remote sensing products and advanced tools for innovative and sustainable use of water resources and integrated water resources management.
He has more than fifteen years of research and industrial experience. He has a combined educational background in hydroinformatics and water resources engineering. Solomon has been teaching urban hydrology and hydraulics for MSc student at IHE Delft and VUB and has lectured on subjects of urban drainage, flood modelling, GIS and supervised several MSc research theses at IHE. Solomon has been involved in projects and research assignments that focused on Water Accounting, flood modelling and flood risk management, assessment of climate change impacts on river basins and urban water systems, application of remote sensing and GIS technologies and modelling applications for integrated water resources management such as FAO’s Water Accounting project, Waternomics and SWITCH projects at IHE and FloodCitieSense and HiWET projects at Vrije Universtiet Brussel (VUB).
His main research interest includes integration of remotely sensed products and non-traditional data sources in hydrological modelling studies, urban water systems modelling and management, and Big data analysis for better water resources management. He has worked with a variety of specialized water system software packages and with several programming languages, including Python, MATLAB, C++, and Java Script.
Prior to joining IHE Delft Solomon worked for Vrije Universtiet Brussel as a senior researcher where he was involved in reserach projects and teaching activities. Solomon has also worked for government and consultancy firms in Ethiopia for which he was involved in the study, design, modelling and management of urban drainage, water supply, stormwater and wastewater systems.
A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.