Robert de Bruijn graduated form the H.E.A.O. at Jan van Zwijndrecht ’s Gravenhage, The Netherlands. He is working as Financial Manager and Controller for IHE Delft Institute for Water Education since December 2002.
He is responsible for the Finance Department, which is a support unit providing financial support to the scientific departments and support units and meets the financial obligations set out in the Act of Accounts, Tax Law, articles of association and the agreements of IHE Delft with UNESCO Paris. Furthermore Finance is the treasury keeper of the institute and provides financial management- and project information ad hoc, on demand and on a quarterly basis. His experience encompasses financial administration, planning and control, project management, financial strategy, management and treasury. Before he joined IHE Delft, he gained his financial and management experience, amongst others for UNESCO-IHE, NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium B.V., Netherlands Meetinstituut N.V., Dienst van het IJkwezen, Technische Universiteit Delft and Casema B.V..