Jaap Evers works at IHE Delft since 2011. Starting of as lecturer in River Basin Governance, he currently has the position of Senior lecturer in Water and Environmental Policy as a member of the Water Governance department. His main research interests revolve around the departments research line Policy and Organizations. Jaap's research interests revolve around policy implementation, and more specifically policy mobility, policy learning, policy -implementation- practices, and implementation feasibility in planning in the water sector. In IHE Delft's MSc Water and Sustainalbe development , Jaap is involved in courses on Strategic planning and futuring (coordinator), Finance and implementation, and Water Policy (short course - coordinator). During this time he was involved in the (re-)development of the course Environmental Planning and Implementation, Water and Environmental Policy Analysis, Strategic plannign for river basins and deltas, Environmental assessment for water related policies and development.
Since 2020 Jaap is Programme coordinator of the MSc Environmental Science and in from 2016 till 2021 he acted as secretary of the IHE Work's Council.
Research Summary
Jaap was involved in the research project Strengthening strategic delta planning processes in Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Vietnam and beyond, in which he supervised a PhD on the traveling of the Dutch delta approach and co-developed the Strategy Lab.
Currently Jaap is involved in the POLKA and Transpath projects (supported by the IHE Delft Partnership Programme for Water and Development).
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.
Online masterclasses
Masterclass series: Urbanizing deltas of the world: the state of the art of water research in South and Southeast Asia.
In 2021 we organized the online masterclass series Urbanizing deltas of the world. In these masterclass series (hosted by Jaap Evers), PhD and Postdoc researchers of the NWO Urbanizing Deltas of the World programme shared their research.
The online masterclass series can be found here.
The Motivation and Ability Framework Webinar Series
This webinar series introduces the MOTA framework; discusses its applications and similar methods; and proposes an agenda for further work. Water management professionals, policy analysts, planners and researchers are invited to participate, learn more about the MOTA framework and help shape future avenues for application, research and development. The online webinar series can be found here.
FLOWs is the scientific blog of the Water Governance Department. The blog presents news about our research, education and capacity development activities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It aims at promoting an open and critical space to discuss water governance issues.