Fredrik Huthoff is Associate Professor Hydraulic Engineering at IHE Delft and also holds a part-time position at the University of Twente (Netherlands). He is widely interested in topics related to river morpho-hydrodynamics, turbulence, environmental flows and disaster management.
Originally trained as physicist at the University of Amsterdam, Fredrik carried out his PhD work on modelling of floodplain flows at the University of Twente and a postdoc on Mississippi River dynamics at Southern Illinois University (USA). He has been associated with Dutch consulting firm HKV for more than 20 years, and in that capacity participated in projects within and beyond the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, he was involved in activities related to national programmes ‘Room for the River’ and ‘Integrated River Management’. Outside of the Netherlands his work focused on river and coastal dynamics (related to flood hazard or bank erosion), Disaster Risk Reduction assessments and various hydrological capacity building activities. Between 2015-2018 Fredrik lived in Mozambique when he was resident advisor to the National Directorate for Water Resource Management, and helped in setting up a centralized control room for flood and drought management.
Areas of interest: plastic transports in rivers, Disaster Risk Reduction, ecological-hydraulic linkages, Early Warning Systems using global data.