Arlex Sanchez is a Lecturer in Urban Drainage and Sewerage in the Chair Group Sanitary Engineering of the Environmental Engineering and Water Technology Department. Arlex has an MSc degree from UNESCO-IHE in Hydroinformatics and a PhD degree from UNESCO-IHE and Delft University of Technology.
Arlex’s research focus is in integrating different modelling approaches (cellular automata, agent based models, urban water hydrodynamic models) to understand how the urban water cycle functions. As well as the formation of risk in urban areas. Through the use of modelling techniques that can lead to a holistic approaches. Looking into multipurpose solutions to deliver adaptive and resilient measures for the cities of the future
Arlex has several years of experience in developing and implementing projects related to community management, water supply and sanitation, and integrated water resources management. Arlex has worked with Cinara in Colombia and IRC (International Water and Sanitation Centre) in the Netherlands. His interests lie in understanding the formation of risk in urban environments. Through the use of modelling techniques that can lead to a holistic approaches and solutions.
Arlex has been involved in research and management activities in different European funded projects such as SWITCH (FP6), PEARL (FP7), and RECONECT (H2020)
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.