Ann van Griensven, bio-engineer, obtained her PhD at the Free University of Brussels titled “developments towards integrated water quality modelling at river basin scale”. For her PhD research, she started her activities in developing and applying the ecohydrological modelling software: Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Afterwards, she worked at the University of California, Riverside, and at the Ghent University. Ann van Griensven is currently Associate Professor of hydrology and water quality in the chair group of hydrology and water resources at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and professor in the department of hydrology and hydraulic engineering of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
She has 15 years of research experience in the field of water quality and hydrological modelling, uncertainty analysis of models and optimisation algorithms, leading to up to 40 publications in international journals with peer review, H-index=14 (SCOPUS). She is elected member of the international Environmental Modelling Software Society. She is member of the editorial board of the highly ranked Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software and Hydrological and Earth Systems Science Journal. She is part of the developers team of the open source “Soil and Water Assessment Tool” as well as board member of the SWAT foundation. She is also a member of the governing board of the OpenMI (Open Modelling Interface) Association.
She has been the organiser of international conferences , workshops and short courses. She was involved and taken leading roles in several EU research projects eg CHESS (FP5), Harmoni-CA (FP6; WP2 lead), WETwin(FP7; WP6 lead), AFROMAISON(FP7; WP5 lead), EnviroGrids(FP7), AQUAREHAB(FP7; WP6 lead), MyWater(FP7) and in various Capacity Building and research projects in developing countries.
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.