Mr Almotasembellah Abushaban awarded with a Doctoral degree

Seawater desalination is increasingly being used as a means to augment freshwater supplies in regions with high water stress, and reverse osmosis is increasingly the technology of choice because of the low energy consumption. However, seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems suffer from various types of fouling, which can increase energy consumption and the use of chemicals during SWRO operation. In practice, pre-treatment systems are put in place to reduce the particulate and biological fouling potential of SWRO feed water. However, simple, reliable and accurate methods to assess the extent to which biological fouling potential is reduced during pre-treatment are not available for seawater.
This research developed a new method to measure bacterial growth potential (BGP) using the native bacterial consortium in seawater. New reagents to extract and detect ATP in microbial cells were specifically developed for seawater. The new lysis and detection reagents overcame the salt interference in seawater and allow low detection of total ATP, free ATP and microbial ATP in seawater. Incorporating a filtration step further increased the sensitivity of the method six fold, enabling ATP detection of ultra-low levels of microbial ATP in seawater.