IHE Delft granted new funding for SIDS and MENA capacity development programmes

Under the umbrella of DUPC2, the partnership and capacity development programme run by IHE Delft, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS) has awarded funding for two regional projects to strengthen capacity in the water sector to meet the water-related SDGs.
The beneficiaries of both programmes are mid-level and senior professionals, responsible for development, implementation and key decision making processes in the governments, state owned entities and other water related service providers of selected countries.
One programme is already in its third phase and aims to support the Small Island Developing States (SIDS3), and the second programme aims to support the Middle East North Africa countries (MENA).
SIDS3 – Supporting Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) to strengthen capacity in the water sector to meet the SDGs facing global change
Small Island Developing States have their own particular vulnerabilities and characteristics, so that the water and development difficulties they face in the pursuit of sustainable development are particularly severe and complex. Under the SIDS programme, IHE Delft will provide high level, targeted training to professionals coming from ODA SIDS countries in the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS*, respectively.
The core activity will be the training of 24 professionals in one of the water and environment-related MSc specializations at IHE Delft.
In addition, the programme will offer 1) three short courses in each of the SIDS regions for 60 professionals, 2) contribute to building a Community of Practice and regional partnerships and 3) develop Open Course Ware, including an e-learning module.
MENA – Supporting capacity development in the MENA region to cope with water scarcity
The MENA (Middle East and North African) countries, on the other hand, are listed among the world’s highest water stressed, with the least renewable water resources per capita. Many of the MENA countries depend heavily on already depleting groundwater resources and on desalinated sea water. Water scarcity is a long known issue in the region, but it has been exacerbated by adverse impacts of climate change, increased population, conflict-inflicted internal displacement and refugee crises.
The MENA capacity development programme focusses specifically on water scarcity and challenges in achieving related SDGs in the region. Similar to SIDS3, the core activity of MENA will be the training of 32 professionals in one of the water, environment and development related MSc specializations at IHE Delft.
Countries eligible for the full MSc level fellowship under this programme are Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, and Yemen. These are primarily DUPC2 focus countries in the region.
In addition, the programme will offer 1) four short courses to address regional water scarcity issues in the MENA countries for 80 professionals, 2) contribute to building a Community of Practice and regional partnerships and 3) develop Open Course Ware, including an e-learning module.