IHE Delft and TU Delft launch online programme in Water Strategy and Planning

IHE Delft and the Delft University of Technology will jointly offer a programme in Water Strategy and Planning starting in March 2023. This online two-course programme will equip professionals with strategic planning methods and approaches to support the development of integrated, future-oriented water policies and strategies.
Solving today’s water challenges is key to sustainable development but it has become increasingly complex due the many sectors and stakeholders involved. Sectoral engineering approaches and economic management models alone no longer suffice to develop effective water strategies and policies. A more holistic, integrated and inclusive approach is needed to ensure the wise management and use of water, for current and future generations.
Governments, companies and international organizations in the water sector increasingly seek professionals who can use critical strategic thinking, both from a systems and a stakeholder perspective.
The Water Strategy and Planning programme will help you master and sharpen the skills essential for effective policy analysis, strategy and planning and consists of two eight-week courses:
Water Policy Analysis: A Systems Approach
Multi-stakeholder Strategies: Analysis for Winning Coalitions
The courses offer you the state-of-the-art approaches and tools required to deal with complex and multi-actor challenges in the water sector. You will learn how to use systems thinking and stakeholder analysis to develop integrated, future-oriented water policies and strategies. They will improve your ability to solve water problems across sectoral, spatial and institutional boundaries.
This programme is developed and taught by experts in policy analysis and water management from TU Delft and the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. It fruitfully combines TU Delft’s expertise in multi-actor systems with IHE Delft’s long-standing experience in graduate education for the water sector worldwide.
Partial scholarships
The IHE Delft Water and Development Partnership Programme (DUPC2), funded by DGIS, the development cooperation agency of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is providing 20 scholarships to Water Strategy and Planning participants from a certain number of regions/countries. The scholarships cover 80% of the total tuition fee of the programme.