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Student experiences

Studying with international peers in Delft: A Dutch student's view

MSc graduate Luuk Tetteroo

Luuk Tetteroo is one of the few Dutch MSc graduates in Water and Sustainable Development at IHE Delft. Watch the video to find out what motivated him to enrol in an MSc degree at IHE Delft and how his experience has enhanced his knowledge of the global water sector and international network.

What's studying at IHE Delft like?

It's like stepping into a really international environment - being the only Dutch student - so it's a wonderful experience. You learn a lot from your peer students on the social side from their cultures, but also from their work experience, because everyone brings their experiences with them.

It will definitely help me to build an international network. Already this year I built a really great network, not just good relations but also a good group of friends. 

Making friends at IHE Delft
"It's like stepping into a really international environment - being the only Dutch student - so it's a wonderful experience."
MSc graduate, Luuk Tetteroo

What did you learn most?

I think what I learned the most was to combine everything, like work, family, and studying. To do some proper time management and to get everything done in time. Also, not alone, but with my peer students because you are working on projects a lot of the time. It can be stressful, but it is also wonderful to work together on a project. 

Why did you choose an MSc in Water and Sustainable Development?

I started off doing a short course and when I completed that short course, I wanted to do several more to complete the GDPD, the Graduate Professional Diploma Programme. And after completing this programme, I really wanted to complete a complete master. That was also during the period that the one-year master programme was introduced. So I thought that is my opportunity to finally complete the master.

Why should early-career water professionals Dutch students study at IHE Delft?

It's a wonderful experience to study here. You make a very close group of international friends. The great thing is that everybody brings their international experiences with them. So you learn a lot from the lecturers, but you also learn from your peers.

Luuk Tetteroo
"The great thing is that everybody brings their international experiences with them. So you learn a lot from the lecturers, but you also learn from your peers."
Luuk Tetteroo

Why are you interested in water?

I was working at a company because of my expertise in mechanical engineering. That's where I started working with water treatment systems. I liked it so much that I really wanted to dedicate my career to water treatment.

On one of the projects, I am a project manager for the expansion of a water treatment plant on Bonaire - a seawater desalination plant and that is also the subject of my thesis. 

Hear why Tetteroo chose the MSc programme at IHE Delft

The 12-month MSc programme at IHE Delft made it possible for Luuk Tetteroo to take a master's in Water and Sustainable Development. He explains why Dutch early-career water professionals should choose to study at IHE Delft.

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MSc graduate Luuk TetterooCopyright: IHE Delft

Interested in following a MSc at IHE Delft?

If you are an early-career water professional, the 12-month master's degree at IHE Delft could be the right choice for you.