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Student experiences

Sharmistha Debnath

Sharmistha Debnath

Sharmistha Debnath, from Bangladesh, is studying for an MSc in Water and Sustainable Development in the Water and Health track, with a Sanitation profile.

What’s your professional background?

After graduating from Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, I started to work in the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Ministry of Local Government Rural Development & Cooperatives, where I have been working for about 11 years. I work as an Executive Engineer in the water supply sanitation and waste management sector. I work with the management to ensure equitable WASH services by 2030 as a commitment for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets 6.1 and 6.2 – that is, ensuring access to safe, adequate and equitable water supply and safely managed sanitation for all for improving health and nutritional outcomes.

Being a WASH professional working for the government, I am involved in the implementation of water supply, sanitation and waste management. I am responsible for formulating a result-based monitoring and evaluation system in DPHE’s framework for water supply and online operation and monitoring. This supports DPHE’s faecal sludge management in municipalities throughout the country in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

How did you hear about IHE Delft?

I learned about IHE Delft through BMGF, which now is funding my studies. Some of my senior officials also studied at IHE Delft, which is known as one of the best institutes to study water and for its global focus. The offered curriculum is tailored to tackle practical issues of water and sanitation across the world. It is linked to my professional career and I can use it in my work. I also looked at the student’s videos and this motivated me to join IHE Delft. 

Sharmistha Debnath in the laboratory
Sharmistha Debnath and class mates in the laboratoryCopyright: Sharmistha Debnath

My passion for water 

To be very honest, my passion for water actually developed when I started working for my organization. DPHE intends to enhance the capacity of its employees with modern methods of water source exploration, treatment, supply and overall management system. I started working in a water supply project where I was responsible for monitoring the water supply infrastructure and its operation and maintenance. I was also involved in the capacity building program for water management. 

About the water situation in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is facing different challenges in water supply and management. Arsenic contamination in the groundwater is one of them. In rural areas, over 97% of the population relies on groundwater for their drinking water supply. In Dhaka, 82% of the water comes from arsenic-free groundwater, while the remaining 18% is supplied by three surface water treatment plants. Climate change is another concern – it plays an important role for salinity intrusion in the coastal zone. Flood management is also a major issue in water management. Every year in the monsoon, floods occur in Bangladesh.

My student experiences

It is fantastic! A community of international students and the overall environment is very friendly. I also get to experience new things, meet new cultures, try new food and so on. I have a wonderful experience with my Dutch friends. In my opinion, it is an enriching exchange in all aspects, not only of cultures but also of knowledge, because everyone has different backgrounds and experiences. I also find that professors are open and helpful. I am also a member of the Student Committee at IHE Delft where we share our thoughts and opinions about the master’s program we are doing, share our experiences in different modules and suggest design improvements for future programs. 

I am enjoying every moment of my time at IHE Delft. My experience exceeds my expectations. We learn how to apply the theory in real cases - it is very practical. What I also found interesting is that the lecturers have their own research and expertise. Some materials used by the lecturers in the classes are based on their own research. I met many people from various areas in the world. Many of us face the same water challenges. I realised that there are different ways to find solutions for these challenges. The cultural mix helped me to understand other cultures and expand my horizon. 

Sharmistha Debnath

After graduation

For my job it is important to gain expert knowledge to apply this at DPHE. I also have an ambition to pursue a PhD.



IHE Delft offers two new Master of Science programmes: the MSc in Water and Sustainable Development and the Research MSc in Water and Sustainable Development. Furthermore, IHE Delft is involved in joint MSc Programmes offered with partner institutes.

IHE Delft MSc Students in the historical heart of Delft