Amit Singh

Amit Singh is from Fiji. "Fiji is a beautiful tropical island in the South Pacific. I study Water Resource Management (WRM) at IHE Delft."
"I actually heard about IHE Delft from one of my colleagues, she saw a link on Facebook about it. That is also how I found out about the Strengthening Small Island Developing States Fellowships (SIDS). I did more research about the SIDS scholarship and then applied for the MSc programme."
I think there is no better institute to study Water Resource Management than IHE Delft.
Therefore, I would like to encourage fellow Pacific Islanders to apply for the fellowship."
"I have worked in the water sector for about five years now, mainly in groundwater assessment and monitoring in the Pacific region. We need to look after the water in our region. Because of environmental changes and the subsequent sea level rising. It’s time that we try to manage what we have."
"The teaching style at IHE Delft and in Fiji is very similar. It is a compressed programme, but that’s what you are here for: to study."
Amit on his goals when he graduates from IHE Delft: "When I finish studying I want to go back to the organization (Pacific Community) that I was working for in Fiji and help to serve other Pacific Islands and Territories. Furthermore, I want to work with counterparts to apply what I have learned at IHE Delft."
"Delft is very different from where I’m from - the first week we had sun, but now it’s cloudy, raining and cold. There are many canals, which is very different to home. I arrived two weeks later than the rest due to visa problems, I missed the introduction week. The staff and students have been very helpful and I feel welcomed.
On life in Delft: "I live in a hostel now and through the Fijian Embassy in Brussels, I have made contact with two Fijian families in The Hague. They picked me up the first weekend and took me out, they are like family here to me. If I have any problems they help me."
"I miss my family and my beautiful island back home, but I keep in touch using Viber. I am looking forward to graduating and going back to Fiji in 2017."
IHE Delft offers two new Master of Science programmes: the MSc in Water and Sustainable Development and the Research MSc in Water and Sustainable Development. Furthermore, IHE Delft is involved in joint MSc Programmes offered with partner institutes.