Structure and content PhD Programme
While following a PhD, you will be supported by the IHE Delft International Graduate School for Water and Development. The Graduate School works to strengthen the vibrant and intellectually exciting research and development environment that is at the heart of the institute. The Graduate School supports the PhD candidates and the institute to contribute to the global challenges for sustainable water use.
The PhD duration in the Netherlands is about 4 years. Preparation and final reporting – the first and last portion of the programme – are usually carried out in Delft. In the first 9-12 months, candidates are at IHE Delft and focus on writing your research proposal and attending tailored courses. The research phase may be done in the candidate’s home country, in another country, or at IHE Delft, depending on the characteristics of the research.
The PhD Roadmap: timeline and deadlines
This roadmap gives an overview of the timeline of the PhD programme.
PhD candidates must successfully defend their research proposal and receive approval from IHE Delft’s Academic Board within 9 months of starting the programme. Candidates who do not manage this will not be allowed to continue their PhD programme. Later in the programme, candidates take part in regular meetings and prepare reports – this helps ensure you they are progressing well in their research.
IHE Delft PhD degrees are joint with our partner universities TU Delft, Wageningen University, University of Amsterdam and University of Twente. Which university will be the partner for your PhD depends on the university affiliation of the IHE Delft professor who acts as your promotor and chairs your supervisory committee. The degrees are highly valued and fully recognized in all parts of the world. You should register first at IHE Delft before becoming affiliated with the joint university.